March 13, 2024

By Logan Sweet ’15


Alumni, parents, faculty, staff, 萨斯奎哈纳的学生和朋友们向校园里对他们最有意义的地方赠送礼物, from academics and athletics to scholarships, campus initiatives and university priorities. 总共有1549名捐赠者捐赠了近35万美元,以支持浩博体育app的学生体验.

“Every gift made to the university, regardless of the amount or area of designation, 是对浩博体育app转型教育的直接投资吗,” said Melissa Salazar, associate vice president for advancement. “我们非常感谢我们社区对萨斯奎哈纳使命的信念, 我们更加感激它的慈善事业给我们才华横溢的学生的生活带来的改变.”


oneu捐助者支持了136所不同的大学指定. Each of Susquehanna’s four schools received gifts, with cumulative support totaling more than $83,000 in funds for immediate use. 这种支持将使院长和系主任能够推进部门的优先事项, faculty to implement robust academic 编程,使必要的技术和设备升级,帮助学生完成 research and internship opportunities and more.

Each of Susquehanna’s 23 NCAA teams and various club sports also received donations, 支持学生运动员,继续培养他们的领导能力, team-building skills, and academic and competitive success. 萨斯奎哈纳的男子橄榄球队——在小型学校比赛中一直是强队——收到了118名校友的礼物, parents and fans. 这支球队将在今年春天晚些时候参加另一场全国七人制锦标赛.

Student scholarships received significant support, 有270名捐赠者将他们的捐款指定给普通和命名奖学金基金——延续了浩博体育app为所有优秀学生提供机会的传统, regardless of their financial circumstances. 浩博体育app99%的学生获得奖学金和经济援助, 该大学捐赠了400多万美元 scholarships annually.

“当我还是学生的时候,萨斯奎哈纳在我身上投入了很多,”查尔斯·麦克莱斯基(Charles McLeskey)说.D. ’68, a member of the university’s Alumni Board. “这所大学为我提供了追求事业成功所需的资源和教育, for which I am very grateful. 我很自豪能够通过设立奖学金来表达我对Susquehanna的感激之情,希望能帮助今天的学生和未来的Susquehanna学生实现他们的职业抱负.”

PataGOnia PataGOnia得到oneu捐助者大量支持的其他校园领域是 Center for Diversity and Inclusion, the Global Opportunities program, the Blough-Weis Library, WQSU, the Women’s Leadership Initiative, the Student Care Fund and Arts Amongst Arbor -新设立的艺术家驻留计划,允许艺术学院邀请在职演员, artists, musicians, 作家等等,让他们沉浸在学校的课程中,并与在校学生分享他们的专业知识. 首任驻馆艺术家是瓦伦特·弗雷泽, an Emmy-award winning makeup artist and painter.

Support from near and far

OneSU礼物是由居住在38个州和国外的Susquehannans制作的, highlighting Susquehanna’s global footprint. 捐赠人的学龄跨度为68年,捐赠人是1955年至2023年毕业的校友.

在校学生也能够支持校园中对他们有意义的领域. 感谢78届的丽莎·瑞安·伯克的捐赠,她是学校的 Board of Trustees, the first 25 students who participated in a special cash cab challenge 每人指定200美元给他们最喜欢的学术部门、团队或校园活动. 作为这项活动的一部分,学生们指定了5000到16个校园项目.

Because the university surpassed its goal of 1,200 donors, a $50,000美元的挑战礼物是由浩博体育app校友会的成员们制作的. In total, more than $80,000的挑战和匹配的资金在当天的捐赠中被解锁.

“我代表将受益于这种慷慨的学生, I sincerely thank you,” added University President Jonathan Green. “我们一起为他们在浩博体育app的生活带来了重大改变.”